Monday, September 1, 2008

The cupboard is bare! (-er)

I've been too busy cooking to remember to blog about it. (Yeah, that's my excuse!) Really though, I've been cooking up a storm and have been good about not buying any of the pantry items I'd said I'd stay away from. So far we've done the following damage, give or take:

*Made vermicelli for my pal Brooke! Used a big package of rice noodles.
*Pasta-- two packages down
*Cracked open eggplant dip for a party the other night

That's the major stuff, but it's nothing compared to the biggest pantry achievement to date: homemade veggie burgers!

The other night we had a party and we have a few friends who are vegetarians. We were doing something of a burger-fest with four different kinds of meat burgers, but had Boca burgers for our V friends-- and it just didn't seem right. So at the tail end of cooking-- seriously, like an hour before people were to show-- I decided to whip out the old Moosewood Cookbook to see what veggie burgers entailed. I found this recipe for chili burgers that called for a few cups of beans (check!), oats (check!) some condiments (check, check!) and an onion, a handful of shredded carrots and chili powder/cumin. I pulled a tree-lovin' Betty Crocker and whipped up a batch lickety split. Super easy, and what a hit! I dazzled my pals! One even asked me how long I had to soak the beans for. That she even thought that I went that far was A) kind of exciting in that she thinks I'm hardcore, but also B) kinda disturbing because that'd be super hardcore. I don't want all my friends to think that they can't invite me to dinner because I'll poo poo their semi-homemade goodness. ::sigh::

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